Ataxic variant of Guillain Barre syndrome: a case report Haris Majid Rajput Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad Malik Muhammad Adil Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad Maryam Khalil Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad Nayab Aslam Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad Zaid Waqar Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad DOI: Keywords: GBS, ataxic, variant Abstract A 17-year-old girl was admitted after acute onset of unsteady gait succeeding acute gastroenteritis. Neurological examination reported normal power in all four limbs, impaired finger-nose, heel-shin tests, areflexia and ataxic gait. We eliminated other diseases with cerebellar symptoms; for example, Wernicke encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, cerebellar vascular disease , encephalitis in the brain stem and cerebellum. Blood serum collected from the patient during the acute phase showed no anti-ganglioside antibodies. As the patient presented with evident cerebellar ataxia without muscle weakness, ophthalmoplegia or proprioceptive sensory disruption a diagnosis of ataxic form of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) after nerve conduction studies. Though ataxic GBS is not a settled impression, we should have to give heed to the potential existence of such a scarce GBS variant. PDF Published 2023-12-24 Issue Vol 18 No 03 (2023): July to September, 2023 Section Case Report