Anti-CASPR 2 antibody encephalitis: a case report
CASPR 2, autoimmune encephalitis, KV1, autoimmunity
Encephalitis is a term denoted to Inflammation in the brain which can be due to infection, autoimmunity, or can be a part of a paraneoplastic phenomenon with malignancy. Anti-CASPR 2 antibody encephalitis is a rare form of encephalitis that can be associated with malignancy, paraneoplastic phenomenon or can be an autoimmune disease. We present a case of a young boy who presented with new onset seizures and altered sensorium and was diagnosed with anti-CASPR 2 antibody encephalitis. Anti-CASPR 2 Antibody Encephalitis is a rare form of encephalitis which due to its great diverse presentation should be kept in the differential diagnosis of conditions like limbic encephalitis.